Voice Lessons

 Ms. Ludowise's thirty-five year career as a teacher and performer allows her to share a wealth of knowledge about vocal technique and performance. Lessons are open to singers of all levels -- from beginners to young professionals. Her students have included choristers, actors in local musical theater, senior citizens, and singers preparing to audition as soloists in the community and for professional training programs.

With students at a NATS sponsored recital at THE TERRACES in Los Gatos.  These two ladies gave fabulous performances,

Teaching Philosophy

First of all, singing is an ability shared by all people. I strive to help each student develop their singing skill to its fullest potential whether they be a beginner or an aspiring professional. Good singing requires a solid vocal technique that is grounded in solid breath support, a legato line, clear diction, and well placed vowels which result in an appealing and resonant tone quality. Additionally, the singer needs to develop the ability to interpret and communicate the music in a way that touches the hearts of the audience. To strengthen students performance skills, I encourage participation in a variety of singing opportunities, including: performing in vocal recitals (both studio recitals and individual solo recitals), participating in vocal workshops and master classes, and auditioning for roles in musical theater, oratorio and opera.

Tuition Fees 

Lessons fees are paid on a monthly basis, and are based on the rate of $110/hour.

Regular students with recurring lessons need to enroll for at least 2 hours a month total.    If are an experienced singer and wish to study intermittently, then the rate is $120/hour. 

The monthly tuition fee is due on the first lesson of each month for the coming month. Fees received after the second lesson of the month are subject to a $10 late fee. Ms Ludowise accepts payment via Paypal, Venmo, or personal check. 

Makeup Lessons

There are no makeup lessons when the student is absent. This is compensated for in the fee structure. There are several months in the year which have 5 weeks. Students do not pay extra for these "5th week lessons" and these extra lessons help to balance out for student absences. Students who have been studying for 4 months are allowed a two week vacation period for which they will not be charged.

Instructor Absences

If the instructor misses a lesson, one of two things occurs:


Two weeks notice is required for withdrawing from your lessons. Since lesson fees are paid in advance, refunds are given only when two week notice is given.

Student Responsibilities